The MiXto CO2 laser is a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser that is used to treat a variety of skin issues. Including but not limited to fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and pigmentation issues. First, the laser heats and vaporizes the outermost layer of skin, leading to a smoother skin surface and less visible wrinkles and fine lines*. The MiXto CO2 laser is special because Gita is able to perform a more effective and efficient procedure with less pain and a faster recovery time*.
Pre-Operative Instructions Mixto CO2:
- STOP using Retin-A and Hydroquinone 5-6 days prior to treatment!
- Wear Loose Fitting Clothing.
- Take a Thorough Shower to decrease the risk of infection.
- Make sure the treatment area is clean shaven.
- Remove ALL Makeup. Patients should arrive at the office with the area of skin intended for treatment bare of all creams, makeup, lotions, perfumes, etc.
- Do not come with any hairspray or hair gel in your hair, as they can be flammable.
- Come to the office with your hair pulled back and not in your face.
- Remove any and all piercings near the treatment area.
- No Alcoholic Beverages Starting 1 Day Prior to Surgery. However, abstaining 3 days to 2 weeks will only lower your chance of complications and recovery time.
- DO NOT mix your antibiotics or anti-virals with alcohol.
- If you are taking valium, you are not allowed to drive.
- Discontinue taking these medications that may induce bleeding or bruising unless they are medically necessary such as:
- Vitamin E
- Fish oil
- Gingko biloba
- Garlic supplements
- Cholesterol medications
- Pepto-Bismol
- Alka-Seltzer products
- Oil of Evening Primrose
- Aspirin (Bayer, St. Joseph, Bufferin)
- Ibuprophen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin)
- Naproxen (Aleve)
- Nabumetone (Relafen)
- Indomethacin (Indocin)
- Acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine (Excedrin)
Post CO2 Fractional (MiXto) Treatment
Following your treatment, you will experience symptoms to that of SEVERE sunburn. Please repeat the following actions consistently until you feel less discomfort.
- Do not let your skin be without Aquaphor until your skin begins to peel.
- In order to ensure the long lasting effects of the laser, Do NOT expose yourself to the sun without sunblock. And make sure to reapply it ever 2-3 hours.
- Use Cetaphil cleanser, Aquaphor, Obagi Sunscreen, TNS Ceramide, and Color Science powder. The sunscreen, Ceramide, and powder can be obtained at Neu Look Med Spa & Skin Center.
- No Hot Tubs, Jacuzzis, or Swimming Pools (with chemicals/chlorine) until redness is completely gone. This can last up-to three months.
- Use a cold compress ( chilled wet cloth) for 2-4 hors following treatment.
- Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor every 2-3 hours until your skin begins to peel.
- Drink plenty of water (minimum ½ gallon per day)
- In case you experience severe itchiness and aching, please use topical or oral Benadryl and pain medications as needed.
- On the 3rd day, if we treated your neck, use medication every 3 hours.
- For the first two days following your treatment sleep with your head slightly elevated to help minimize swelling.
- You may shower first thing in the morning but NO aggressive or abrasive scrubbing on the area treated. Use Sensitive Skin Cleanser and pat clean and pay dry. Immediately apply a thin layer of Aquaphor.
Once the skin begins to peel, STOP applying Aquaphor and start the follow regimen:
- Cleanse with Sensitive Skin Cleanser twice a day.
- Apply TNS Ceramide Treatment Cream twice a day or more if needed.
- Use Sunblock if you are going to be exposed to the sun.
Once the skin has completely peeled start the following regimen:
- Wash with Sensitive Skin Cleanser, pay dry
- Apply TNS Recovery complex twice a day
- Use TNS Ceramide Treatment Cream 2 or more times a day
- Apply Sunblock as needed